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Play Better Golf: 4 Breathing Exercises for Greater Calm & Concentration

By Brendon Elliott, PGA
Published on

Week after week in professional golf, we witness the world's best players managing incredibly high-pressure situations on the course. One key aspect that distinctly separates professional golfers from the average player is their ability to remain calm, present and focused with the task at hand.
A significant factor that enables this mindfulness? Breathing. Ludvig Åberg credits it for keeping him poised under pressure to win at Torrey Pines:
In our ongoing exploration of golf fitness, we once again turn to the insights of Yoga and Movement Specialist Lauren McMillin. on the importance of proper breathing in staying present, what precisely proper breathing entails, and whether there are any exercises to enhance our breathing techniques.
What follows is the expert feedback Lauren shared with me on this important and potentially game-changing practice.
What is proper breathing?
Proper breathing involves breathing through the nose and using the full diaphragm. The diaphragm is our main respiratory muscle, sitting right below the lungs and heart. When we take full breaths into the rib cage and belly, we allow the diaphragm to work optimally.
Many people, however, tend to breathe into the upper part of the chest - often without realizing it. This means that instead of fully using the diaphragm, we’re relying on smaller accessory muscles, such as the shoulders and neck, to help us breathe. It’s no wonder, then, that we find ourselves facing shoulders and neck tension.
This shallow form of breathing also communicates to our bodies that we’re in a fight-or-flight mode, even if we don’t necessarily feel stressed.
By breathing more deeply and sending the breath into the diaphragm, our bodies adapt and relax.
What is the importance of proper breathing?
Proper breathing is essential! Aside from the obvious - keeping us alive - good breathing works alongside the lymphatic system, respiratory system, nervous system, and more to promote overall health and well-being.
Proper breathing can lower blood pressure, help us find a sense of calm, quiet the mind, and release tension. Beyond relaxation, effective breathing can help us sharpen our focus, enhance concentration, and keep the body and the mind ready for the task (or the shot) ahead.
Is there a way to practice your breathing?
Yes! There are many pranayama techniques, or breathing exercises, to help us connect with the breath. There are techniques to help us warm up, cool down, focus, relax, and even fall asleep. Here are a few examples:
Rib Cage Breathing (Diaphragmatic Breathing)
Description: Place your hands on your rib cage. As you inhale, envision expanding the ribs from east to west, feeling the hands move out. As you exhale, slowly let the ribs knit back together, feeling the hands move in. Breathe into all sides of the ribs - the front, the sides, the back. Relax your neck and shoulders. Repeat at least three times.
Benefits for golf: Helps warm up the body; cultivates focus and concentration; relaxes the neck and shoulders; calms and preps the nervous system (great to include as a warm-up, when standing over a ball, or as you move through the swing)
Heart-Centered Breathing
Description: Place your hands over your heart. Slowly breathe in and out, focusing on the space beneath the hands and softening the heart and chest. Let your neck and shoulders relax. Repeat at least three times.
Benefits for golf: Calms the nervous system; relaxes the mind; promotes mindfulness, presence, and compassion (great for before or after a round)
Alternate Nostril Breathing
Description: Lift your right hand to your nose. Take a breath in. Close off your right nostril with your thumb, exhaling out the left nostril. Holding this position, inhaling through the left nostril. At the top of the inhale, hold your breath, closing off both nostrils. Open the right nostril to exhale, keeping the left nostril closed. From here, reverse: breathe in through the right nostril, pause as you close both nostrils, and exhale out the left. Repeat for up to five minutes.
Benefits for golf: Calms and clears the mind; promotes relaxation and recovery; lowers the heart rate; supports lung function (great to do after a round, before going to sleep, or if you’re feeling pre-round jitters)
Three-Part Breath
Description: Place one hand over your heart and the other over your lower abdomen. Envision your torso in three parts - the belly, the ribs, and the upper chest. Take a slow breath in, starting the inhale in the belly. Continue to breathe in, moving the breath into the rib cage. Finally, breathe all the way up into the collarbones. As you exhale, first release the upper chest and collarbones, slowly followed by the rib cage, then finally the belly. Repeat for about 5-10 breaths.
Alternatively, you can focus on breathing into one area at a time. Inhale, breathing into the belly. Exhale completely. On the next inhale, breathe into the rib cage. Exhale completely. Lastly, breathe into the upper chest and collarbones. Exhale completely.
Benefits for golf: Centering and grounding, sharpening focus and presence. (It is great to practice any time of day, especially when you first arrive on the golf course or after a round)

PGA of America Golf Professional Brendon Elliott is an award-winning coach and golf writer. You can check out his three weekly columns on, and to learn more about Brendon, visit