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Five Steps to Creating a Good Golf Fitness Routine

By Vinnie Manginelli, PGA
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Many golfers could improve their game more quickly if they combined swing coordination training with standard exercises off the course. While some golfers already exercise, not all of them are taking advantage of the opportunity to use their fitness routine to also enhance their golf swing.  
If you want to improve your golf body, working with a golf fitness specialist or subscribing to an online program can be a great option. However, if you're short on time or want to start small, PGA of America Golf Professional Brian Newman offers five keys to creating a simple golf fitness routine and some exercises you can try at home.
Newman is the Director of Instruction & Fitness at Orange Whip Golf & Fitness, the Co-Founder of Golf Fitness X, and the Head Golf Coach at Aileron Golf Academy in Charlotte Harbor, Florida. He says it’s important to consider any limitations or injuries when performing some of these movements and exercises.  
Dynamic warm-up
Activating the correct muscles and mobilizing the golf-specific muscles, like the hips, shoulders, core and upper back, is necessary for a golf fitness routine. Perform this before playing, as well.    
Spend 30 seconds to a minute performing these commonly known exercises, modifying them accordingly. Arm circles, quarter squats, lateral lunges, leg swings, toe touches, and hip circles.
Golf-specific resistance exercises using accessible equipment
Ensure proper form and perform a full range of motion. Perform ten reps of each exercise below three times.  
Resisted high knees - mini loop band
Use a small circular resistance band, secure it around your thighs, and stand tall. Alternate driving your knees to hip height, holding this position for a few seconds.
Push-Pulls - resistance band with handle
Place the center of the band under your lead foot. Grab each side of the band. Pull one side of the band, driving your elbow back towards the ceiling while pushing the other handle toward the ground, alternating from right to left.   
Transfer training using pattern assistance and resistance 
These exercises will mimic the golf swing to train golf swing coordination.  
No hinge swings (long resistance band with handles)
With a resistance band secured in a door jam door, set up as if the door were your target, simulate your golf setup, and grip on the band’s handle.
Engage your core and mimic a half-backswing with minimal arm bend. Maintaining your width allows the band to contract and pull you into a post-impact position. Ensure proper posture, hip rotation, and weight shift. Switch side and repeat.         
Speed and power training
Regardless of your skill level, the primary motive behind swinging a driver is to move the club as fast as possible. However, ensuring that our body can stabilize against the club's centrifugal energy and correctly use reactive forces to generate speed safely and effectively is essential.  
Slam balls with rotation (light slam ball or sub a pillow) 
Do five reps in three sets, resting in between. Do this three times a week after your warm-up.
Stand 3-4 feet from the wall. Lift the ball overhead. Push the hips back and down and slam it to the ground. As quickly as possible, pick up the ball and throw it into the wall, rotating your body.
Recovery and flexibility
Following golf rounds or exercise (do not perform before either), holding static stretches, foam rolling, and using a lacrosse ball can help increase blood flow to the muscles, removing toxins and the onset of muscle soreness.
Supine chest openers (yoga mat, sitting) 
Perform the stretch for one minute on each side, coming out of the pose if necessary. Remain standing to modify the stretch.  
Laying on your side, bend your knees and extend your arms out in front of you. Rotate the top arm across the body, attempting to touch the forearm to the ground at chest level while keeping your knees on the ground. Switch sides and repeat. 

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