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Golf Fitness: Five Yoga Exercises to Boost Performance

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To play golf well, a harmonious balance of strength, control, focused energy and flexibility is essential. That balance (pun intended) can be accomplished through yoga!
In our ongoing exploration of golf fitness, we turn once again to the insights of Yoga & Movement Specialist Lauren McMillin. Following her previous contribution about why yoga can help, Lauren joins us to delve deeper, sharing five vital poses that promise to elevate any golfer's game: the Cat & Cow, the Extended Table, Planks, Cobra, Hip Drives & the Chair.
These poses are specifically chosen to improve flexibility, core strength and overall alignment and balance, which are all crucial for a better swing.
Let's get started.
Cat & Cow
Start on your hands and knees. As you inhale, lift your hips and chest, dropping your shoulders down your back. As you exhale, push the ground away, round your spine, tucking your chin into your chest and curling your hips under. Repeat 3-5x.
Benefits for golf: Warms up the spine; increases spinal mobility; improves posture; loosens up the lower back; supports pelvic mobility; stretches the back; engages the abs.

Extended Table
From your hands and knees, extend one leg behind you. Reach the opposite arm in front, palm turned in. Inhale to reach in opposite directions. Exhale to round your spine and bring your elbow and knee together. Repeat 3-5x on each side.
Benefits for golf: Improves posture; strengthens the back; stabilizes the core; increases hip mobility and shoulder range of motion; improves balance.

Stack your shoulders above your wrists as you step your feet back into a high plank. Actively push through the hands to prevent wrist compression. Engage the abs and squeeze the legs. Hold for 3-8 breaths.
Alternative: If a high plank causes wrist discomfort, drop down to your forearms, stacking shoulders above elbows.
Benefits for golf: Core stability; full body strength for power and swing control; concentration.

Lie in a prone position with your legs extended behind you. Bend the elbows so your hands are in line with your chest, elbows pointing back. Draw in the lower abs. As you inhale, lift your chest, dropping your shoulders away from your ears and hugging your elbows back. Exhale to lower. Focus on keeping the neck long, lengthening through the spine, and activating the back muscles. Repeat 3-5x.
Benefits for golf: Improves posture; supports breathing; releases chest tightness; strengthens the back.

Hip Drives with Rotation
Start in a low lunge, with your front knee stacked above the ankle and shoulders directly above the hips. Reach your arms in front of you, palms facing in. Take a breath in. As you exhale, press the hips forward, keeping your front heel down and your knee in line with your toes. At the same time, open the arms and turn the torso over the front leg, coming into a twist. On the next inhale, press through the front foot to unwind and return to your starting position. Repeat 3-5x on each side.
Benefits for Golf: Builds lower body strength; improves hip, ankle, and knee mobility; increases spinal turn and shoulder-to-hip disassociation; supports balance.

Chair Pose
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees as you press your hips back, as though standing at address or sitting in a chair. Draw in the abs, keeping your chest lifted and your spine lengthened. Place your hands on your hips or reach them overhead. Hold for 3-5 breaths, then press down through the feet to stand up.
Benefits for golf: Builds lower body strength; supports an athletic posture; improves ankle, knee, and hip mobility, as well as shoulder range of motion when reaching the arms overhead.
Thank you to Lauren McMillin, founder of YoGolf Performance—golf’s online yoga studio—for her insights and expertise.

PGA of America Golf Professional Brendon Elliott is an award-winning coach and golf writer. You can check out his three weekly columns on, and to learn more about Brendon, visit