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The Hardest Golf Trivia You've Ever Seen

By Sam Oleksak
Published on

One of the world’s oldest sports features a complex history of rules, terminology, equipment and tradition.
To honor these facts, here is a 20 question golf trivia quiz that is sure to give even the most experienced golf fan fits. The first 10 questions are true or false, while the second 10 are open ended.
The answers are listed below. Study up and next time you're on the golf course, test your buddies to make sure you can let them know you know more about the game than they do.


  1. The origin of the word “golf” comes from the acronym “Gentlemen only, ladies forbidden.”
  2. Before the use of tees it was common for golfers to use a small pile of sand.
  3. A man has won an event on the LPGA Tour.
  4. A woman has won an event on the PGA Tour.
  5. The oldest golf course in the world is The Royal and Ancient Club of St. Andrew’s in Scotland.
  6. St. Andrew’s set the standard for number of holes in a round (18) and size of the hole (4.5 inches).
  7. Golf balls travel significantly further on hot days than on cold days.
  8. The word caddie originated from the French explorer Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac.
  9. 80% of golfers will never play to a handicap of less than 18.
  10. Golf is the only sport to have ever been played on the moon.
Open Ended
  1. What is the maximum number of clubs you are allowed to carry in your golf bag?
  2. Prior to the invention of rubber, what were golf balls made of?
  3. Who has the record for the most wins in the PGA Championship?
  4. Who is the only U.S. President to have been a club member at Augusta National?
  5. Who was the “Jackie Robinson of golf,” becoming the first African-American on the PGA Tour?
  6. Which country has the most golf courses per capita in the World?
  7. Prior to 2016, when was the last time golf was in the olympics?
  8. How old was Tiger Woods when he got his first hole in one?
  9. Who has the most PGA Tour wins without ever winning a major?
  10. How many golfers have won at least 10 majors in their career?

  1. False
  2. True
  3. True, Sam Snead in 1962
  4. False, 5 women have played in PGA Tour events with only one (Babe Zaharias, 1945) making a two-day cut. Lexi Thompson became the most recent woman to play on the PGA TOUR.
  5. False
  6. True
  7. False, it came from the french word for student, “cadet.”
  8. True
  9. False, on Apollo 14 an astronaut tossed a javelin
  10. 14
  11. Wood or leather bound feathers
  12. Walter Hagan (5; 1921, ’24, ’25, ’26, ’27) and Jack Nicklaus (1963, ’71, ’73, ’75, ’80)
  13. Dwight Eisenhower
  14. Charlie Sifford in 1960
  15. Scotland
  16. 1904
  17. 6 years old
  18. Harry Cooper, 29 wins on Tour
  19. 3: Jack Nicklaus (18), Tiger Woods (15) and Walter Hagen (11)