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The Best Golf Tips (According to the Internet)

By Ryan Adams, PGA
Published on

Keep your head down. Don't lift up. Tee it up higher. Tee it up lower. Keep your arm straight.
These examples above are probably some of the more popular golf tips out there; not necessarily because they're good tips but more so because they're easy to repeat. And the more you play, the more you likely have heard. Or, if you're just starting out, you've likely been given all sorts of advice as to how to swing the club.
It got us thinking:
The Internet did not disappoint with our request. Check out some of our favorites below!

Swing advice

Tempo, tempo, tempo. The golf swing is like the waltz dance moves.
- Evan Hageman on Facebook
The advice I got that helped the most was to NEVER decelerate. So true for putts and chips.
-John McKenna on X
Grip the club as if you are holding a small bird - not so hard as to hurt it, but enough to keep it secure. This is to avoid having too much tension in your hands and arms. If the club slips it’s time to regrip.
- billmassar on Instagram
Get your right shoulder through to impact before your right hand.
- W Robert Taylor on Facebook
Stop firing at every flag and trying to birdie every hole. Pros average less than 4 birdies per round. Learn to par and eliminate double bogeys +.
- Kasey Graydon on X
The easiest to implement and the most universal tip I can share: When chipping (is when it’s most prevalent), put your left eye on the very left side of the ball. Idk the science behind it but you bottom the club perfectly every time. It was a game-changer for me. I use it for other/longer clubs as well (as a way to keep my head still) but when chipping around the green, you’ll thank me later. When chipping I live by it: left eye, left side of the ball, weight on left side.
-David DeGood on X
See your local PGA Pro and take a series of lessons!!
- Steve DeWitt on Facebook
That you can't make a putt if you leave it short. Learned its better to be a foot or two past the hole than short.
- cm20212022 on Instagram

Don't forget the mental game

From my swing coach at the time, “you’re not good enough to get upset during your round! Enjoy the game thru this process.”
- on Instagram

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If you’re having a bad round and can’t pull it together, just treat it like practice and have fun
- skate_adenr on Instagram
You get 10 secs to be mad about a shot then after that, never think about it again.
-dmadler4608 on Instagram
Don’t forecast negatively: if you say you’re going to put it in the water, you probably will.
- austinlop96 on Instagram

Tips with a little humor involved

Take up bowling, it's harder to lose the ball.
- Steve Novak on Facebook
Lower your expectations.
-cb_mcmakin on Instagram
Keep your mouth closed when hitting out of a sand trap!
- infogolfgearbox on X
You're too bad to be mad.
- nonchalant.lj on Instagram
A bad day of golf is better than a good day at work.
-Tom Perez on X
Never listen to your dad.
-tom_hugghes1604 on Instagram
Ball is already dead, stop trying to kill it.
- livin_the_best_i_can16 on Instagram