A Quick Nine: It's important to share golf with family because...

Family Golf Month is winding down, but hopefully all of you out there have put the wheels in motion to make every month of the year, 'Family Golf Month.'
There are so many reasons that golf with family is enjoyable.
Keeping that in mind, we asked our friends in Facebook Nation this week to complete the following statement: "It's important for me to share golf with my family because..."
Below are the top answers we received. Be sure to share your stories either on our Facebook page, or via your own Twitter account, using the hashtag, "#FamilyGolfMonth."
9. Simply put, bragging rights. Plain and simple, golf is fun. But, for a lot of our friends in Facebook Nation, it's even more fun when you beat the competition -- even if they're family!
Facebook fan quotes:
"Bragging rights." -- Seth Alred
"The long lasting way of spending time together. And the memories of golfing with my pop. And the countless digs on who is better my father, my nephew, or me." -- Greg Elk
"It's always great to get those competitive juices flowing!" -- Brice Brown
8. A lifetime activity for couples. There's nothing like sharing something you love with someone you love. Why not get that loved one of yours into the game so that you can enjoy it together?
Facebook fan quote:
"The couples that can golf together are bound to stay together!" -- Kathi Cambre Kelly
7. Umm... driving lessons. We don't necessarily condone it, but one of our friends in Facebook Nation enjoys time on the course with his children along with teaching them to drive the golf cart, which he believes will help them when it comes time to learn to drive an automobile.
Facebook fan quotes:
"It's a big part of my life just like my family is... plus, I'm teaching my kids how to drive a golf cart so when it comes time for them to drive a car they have experience!" -- Nate Cline
6. It's a game you can play with your kids forever. Unlike most sports, you're never too old for golf.
Facebook fan quote:
"Golf is the only game you can play with your kids when you get older." -- Floyd Huynh
5. Quality family time. Rather than scrambling and making phone calls to fill out your foursome, it must be nice to just look to the couch to complete your foursome!
Facebook fan quote:
"It gets my whole family off the couch and outside together." -- Shandy Kondus
4. Because what's better than family? Rather than tell your family about that great shot you hit, wouldn't it be cool to have them there to witness it?
Facebook fan quote:
"Who else would I want to share it with? Family rules." -- Tony Feeney
3. Do you want to see me? One of our friends claims that playing together would be the only way his family could spend any time with him.
Facebook fan quote:
"If I didn't, they would never see me." -- Jeff Woods
2. Can I get a witness? Everyone would love the chance to brag about a hole-in-one. Wouldn't it be cool to have a family member brag about witnessing your ace too?
Facebook fan quote:
"No one else would ever believe me if I got a hole in one playing by myself." -- Steve Wayne MacKenney
1. It's a life lesson. For those of us who play and love golf, we know it's more than just a game.
Facebook fan quote:
"Because my father taught me the game, it is a honorable game, the only one that you are required to penalize yourself. A life lesson." -- Bill Word