Kevin M. Perkins, PGA
PGA Master Professionalmaster professional
The Kevin Perkins Golf Academy provides world-class golf instructional programs to students of all ages and abilities. We are located at the Sailfish Sands Golf Course in Stuart, Florida. Kevin Perkins is a nationally known instructor and a PGA Master Professional. Kevin is an author, lecturer and has hosted and produced his own Television and Radio shows and has given over 55,000 golf lessons over the past 43 years. Kevin is also a PGA of America Adjunct Faculty Member and serves on the PGA Master Professional Mentoring Committee. Kevin has been influenced and has worked with two teaching legends, Bob Toski and David Leadbetter, widely considered two of the greatest teachers of all time. Kevin and his staff use state of the art Digital Video Analysis, to help accelerate the learning process for all levels of players. We also use TrackMan Launch Monitor technology, to analyze ball flight and club data. The instructional programs are very extensive and include Private Instruction, Daily Clinics, Half, One, Two and Three days Golf Schools. In addition we provide an extensive program for the juniors to include an After School Program, Christmas, Spring Break and Summer Junior Golf Camp.
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Helping players achieve their goals.
Getting Started
Learn the basics
Get comfortable for business golf
Avoid embarrassment on the first tee
Having More Fun
Connect with golfers of similar age
Have more fun on the course
Connect with golfers of similar skill
Improving Your Game
Break 100
Break 80
Improve your Short Game
Make the high school golf team
Get swing diagnostic testing
Break 90
Add 10 yards
Prepare for Tournament Golf
Earn a college golf scholarship
Coaching Services
Player Type
Playing with disabilities
Session Type
Sailfish Sands Golf Course
Stuart FL
Formerly known as Martin County Golf Course, Sailfish Sands Golf Course offers an 18-hole championship golf course and an innovative reversible 9-hole course, the first of its kind in South Florida. The reversible 9 was designed by renowned golf course architect, John Sanford. Sailfish Sands Golf Course has everything you need to improve your game! The full-length grass driving range is powered by Toptracer Range, the same technology used on televised golf tournaments to track the shots of the game’s best players, and is equipped with lights to work on your game well into the evening. Opening in September, 2022, Sailfish Sands Golf Course will have a brand-new club house with a double-decker 20 air conditioned covered hitting driving range bays inside the restaurant and bar as well as hitting balls out to the grass range.
*Coaching available to public
2000 SE Saint Lucie Blvd, Stuart, FL 34996-5101