Coach Portrait

Ed Britton

PGA Master Professional Teacher and Coach

master professional

PGA Crest

Tucson, AZ
Ed Britton Golf PuttSchool, Tucson, AZ

About Edward

Hello, I’m Ed Britton, PGA of America Master Golf Professional, and welcome to the PGA Coach web site that can help everyone play better golf. I’ve been teaching ever since I graduated from college with a degree in education. Not necessarily teaching pupils, but through twenty years as a United States Air Force pilot teaching everything from helicopters to the F-16 Fighting Falcon.

After hanging up my pilot boots I went full time into golf shoes; that was in 1991. Since then I’ve had the great fortune to teach the game of golf and learn from some of the best. While living in Europe I had the privilege to learn from the worlds best putting coach, Phil Kenyon, absolutely invaluable experience.I enjoy studying the game and am always learning. Short game and especially putting are my focus points; what a superb way to guarantee lower scores!

My flying experience has given me the opportunity to teach both in Europe and the United States. Arizona is where I call home. I invite you to participate in what I hope will be a path to a better game of golf for all of us.


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Edward in Action

Recent Photos

Edward in Action

Recent Photos

Edward's Experience

Helping players achieve their goals.

Getting Started

Learn the basics

Get comfortable for business golf

Avoid embarrassment on the first tee

Having More Fun

Connect with golfers of similar skill

Have more fun on the course

Connect with golfers of similar age

Improving Your Game

Get swing diagnostic testing

Make the high school golf team

Improve your Short Game

Break 80

Break 100

Break 90

Add 10 yards

Prepare for Tournament Golf

Earn a college golf scholarship

Students & Lessons

Coaching Services

Player Type




Playing with disabilities




Session Type



Edward's Facilities

Ed Britton Golf PuttSchool

Tucson AZ

*Coaching available to public

2246 West Silver River Way, Tucson, AZ 85745

Begin Your Journey

Work with Edward