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A Quick Nine: When I think of Arnold Palmer, I think of...

By T.J. Auclair, Interactive Producer
Published on
A Quick Nine: When I think of Arnold Palmer, I think of...

The number of superlatives that can be used to describe Arnold Palmer are endless, really. The man was and still is an icon.

Since the PGA Tour is at Arnie's home -- Bay Hill -- this week for the Arnold Palmer Invitational, we figured now was as good a time as any to ask our Facebook friends for this week's, "A Quick Nine," to fill in the blank: "When I think of Arnold Palmer, I think of..."

Let's take a look at what you had to say.

1. Class. This was a recurring theme in the thread, and rightfully so.

Facebook fan quotes:

"When I think of Arnold Palmer, I think of the class and grace that made golf what it is today." -- Jennifer Christina Blain

"A sports hero with dignity and class." -- Gary Potter

"The most loved and admired man in golf. Jack had more trophies, Arnold had more supporters." -- Christopher Franklin

"Pure class with a capital 'C.'" -- Tim Clancy

"When I see or think of Arnie it is -- how much better this world would be if we had more people like him." -- Mary Ann Metherd

2. An umbrella... the official logo of Arnold Palmer.

Facebook fan quote:

"Umbrellas." -- Christian Glossop

3. Arnie's Army. This man doesn't simply have fans, he has armies of them all over the world.

Facebook fan quotes:

"Being a part of 'Arnie's Army!'" -- Ray Pendleton

"Arnie's Army." -- Nicklaus Sprouse

4. Loved ones. Arnold Palmer has been a hero to so many. For some of you, the thought of Mr. Palmer conjures up memories of loved ones, who admired him.

Facebook fan quotes:

"My Uncle Jerry! He was a huge Fan God Rest his soul!!" -- Brendan Poutre

"I think of my Dad William E. Herron. Dad schooled me on the fact that Arnie was the best of the greatest golfers in this era. (He did mention that younger blonde guy from Columbus as being an up-and-comer). Dad has been in Heaven since Oct 1981, hittin' 'em straight and chippin' 'em in from sand traps. RIP DAD I love and miss you!!!" -- David Herron

"My Dad." -- Michelle Hoskin

5. Palmer's nickname, "The King." Is there a cooler nickname? And unlike LeBron James, we're pretty sure Mr. Palmer didn't just one day start calling himself, "The King."

Facebook fan quotes:

"The King." -- Brock Peyer

"The King." -- Mike Wright

6. The best golfer of all time. This one might be a stretch, but an argument could be made based on everything Mr. Palmer stands for. He doesn't have the most wins, doesn't boast the most majors, but there are few people in the game fans would rather spend time around.

Facebook fan quotes:

"The best golfer ever." -- Landon Phelps

"Arguably the best golfer of all time." -- Zach Lash

7. A role model… For your grandparents, your parents, you, your children and your grandchildren, and especially professional athletes today. Take this for example: It could be argued that Arnold Palmer has signed more autographs worldwide than any other athlete. If you're lucky enough to have met Mr. Palmer, here's what he thinks of your autograph request: "I have always felt very strongly that if someone thinks enough of me that they want my autograph, I should provide one that they can read. Very little irritates me more these days than to see the illegible autographs that some people give out."

Along with having one of the most enviable careers anyone has ever had in golf, Mr. Palmer has the most enviable hand-writing.

Facebook fan quote:

"The most outstanding athlete role model of all time. Even young people of today hold Arnold in high esteem. My sixteen year old son can't get enough of Arnie!!" -- Kirk A. Reiners

8. A fearless competitor. For better or worse, Mr. Palmer was never afraid to throw in all the blue chips on a crucial shot. It didn't always pay off, but it sure must have been fun to watch.

Facebook fan quotes:

"A go for broke attitude who respected the outcome regardless of the winner. He didn't always like the outcome but accepted it and moved forward." -- Steve Wyczawski

"A golfer who would clean your clock and then buy you lunch and sincerely thank you for your time and company." -- Dennis Bankston

9. A refreshing beverage. We couldn't possibly complete this week's feature about Arnold Palmer without including his famous concoction of half iced tea and half lemonade.

Facebook fan quotes:

"24 oz. of refreshing Arizona half iced tea, half lemonade all for one American Dollar!!" -- Travis Perkins

"Lemonade and Iced Tea!" -- Christy Schroeder

"A very quenching drink." -- Pat Evett