PGA of America launches PGA.Coach

By PGA of America
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PGA of America launches PGA.Coach


PGA Coaching Platform, hosted by Bill Cowher from PGA of America on Vimeo.

A launch of PGA.Coach was executed at the PGA Merchandise Show and the Teaching and Coaching Summit.

The ultimate goal of ADM and PGA.Coach is to maximize each athlete’s potential, create well-rounded athletes and develop principles that create life-long golfers for generations. It is a concerted effort between the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) and its Golf's Governing Bodies of sport to apply long-term athlete development principles in a way that resonates with the culture of sport in the United States.

ADM and PGA.Coach are essential for growing the sport. It will allow PGA Professionals to evolve and adapt to the changes in the game and to create passionate students and life-long golfers.

To find out more about this please visit www.PGA.Coach.