7 of golf's greatest commercials/infomercials

By T.J. Auclair
Published on
7 of golf's greatest commercials/infomercials

What makes for a great golf commercial/infomercial? What we've learned after viewing countless late at night over the years is that "greatness" doesn't necessarily relate to the product being pitched.

The "greatness" in those commercials/infomercials comes instead from the acting -- or, in many cases, lack thereof.

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The people, more so than the products, are the star.

Here are seven of golf's greatest commercials/informercials through the years...

7. The Swing Shirt

Mute the television when this commercial comes on. Then, while watching with no sound, tell me this doesn't look like video shot on a driving range at an insane asylum... even though I'm pretty confident they don't have those. This thing is golf's version of the straight-jacket.

The best part? It's endorsed by three-time major winner Padraig Harrington, which should come as no surprise. Harrington has been known to try anything in search of the perfect swing.

6. Spin Doctor RI wedge

People love the idea of spinning their golf ball on the greens like a pro. With this particular wedge, it seems you can put so much zip on the ball, you might just rip the damn cover off the thing.

It touts itself as the "First wedge that never wear out, or become outdated by technology," because of its replaceable insert.

This wedge also claims to give the golfer 250-400% more backspin than the average wedge on the market. Outstanding.

5. The Alien Shot Saver Wedge

The opening of this commercial is all-time.

"Do you believe in aliens? No? Well you can believe in the Alien Shot Saver Wedge!"


Plus, it's a "sand iron and wedge in one." I hate to be "that guy" but isn't that the same as a "sand wedge" which virtually every golfer already carries? I also love that you can hit it out of "deep roughs."

4. The Perfect Club

Narrated by one of the greatest storytelling voices in world history -- Peter Kessler -- the Perfect Club is mesmerizing.

Everything about the club is perfect... just listen to Kessler.

3. The Hammer X driver

We've talked about this one before, but what a TV spot.

This one has it all -- preposterous b-roll of a rocket taking off; preposterous sound effects; and a pitchman in Jack Hamm that looks like a golf version of David Hasselhoff.

"It's Hammertime!"

2. The Uro Club

Thank goodness I have never witnessed a playing partner in all my rounds of golf reach to the bag and pull out a Uro Club. Made to look similar to a 7-iron, the Uro Club contains a reservoir for men to, well, urinate into on the golf course.

I'd much prefer they do the normal thing and escape to the woods for a minute.

You laugh, but the Uro Club inventor even got to pitch the idea on ABC's Shark Tank:

1. The Potty Putter

Seriously -- who thought of this thing?

And the green is made from the same professional carpet that you find at miniature golf courses?

"The perfect gift for the man... on the go."

The narrating is A+.