
Ladies Golf Clinic Series

                                                  GCT	Ladies	Golf	Clinics

                                        GET	GOLF	READY-October	22,	2024

Fall is upon us-Finally! It’s a perfect time for golfers to add a few new skills and sharpen old ones to get prepared for the fun of playing better golf in 2024. I am going to offer a series of clinics to help each of you improve your game and to help guide each participant through the major facets of the golf game. The clinics will be a full 1 1/2 hours per session, allowing time for demonstration and practice of each facet. I have used this format before and it was especially effective, allowing time for questions, demonstrations, and student repetition.

Each clinic will be scheduled on Saturdays from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Golf Club of Texas Practice facility. The first clinic will be scheduled for November 2nd and the series will continue every Saturday through November 23rd. The cost of each of the four clinics will be $60 per participant. A package price of $ 200 will be available for participants who plan to attend all 4 clinics. To take advantage of the package price, just pay for all four when you check in for the first clinic on November 2nd.

These clinics are open to all Lady Golfers, beginning or more experienced. Please schedule your intent to participate by texting or emailing Dick Logan, PGA at 210-556-6256 or email to sign up at dickloganpgagolf@gmail.com. Please indicate which clinic or clinics you want to attend and include your cell phone number and your preferred email address.

Topics Covered:

  1. Week 1 (November 2nd)-Putting: Items to be covered will include a) short putting fundamentals; b) lag putting; c) green reading; and d) speed or distance control.

  2. Week 2 (November 9th)-Chipping and Pitching: Items to be covered will include a) the four cardinal rules of short game; b) short chips; c) using your hybrid for short game; d) pitching fundamentals.

  3. Week 3 (November 16th)-Bunker Play and Trouble shots: Items to be covered will include: a) getting out of a bunker consistently in one shot; b) learning how to get bunker shots higher in the air so they land softer and stop on the greens; c) learning how to hit planned low shots, high shots, shots from uneven lies (feet above the ball, feet below the ball, downhill lies, and uphill lies).

  4. Week 4 (November 23rd)-Full Swing: Items to be included will include a) the four fundamentals of the full swing; b) the ball flight laws; c) how to self analyze shot results to learn how to improve; d) and a video review of each player’s golf swing to help each player learn to hit the ball higher, farther, or just to learn how to hit a club that has been a problem. Looking forward to seeing all of you! (Note: If a clinic is delayed due to weather, the Make-Up day will be Saturday, November 30th.)

                     Dick	Logan,	PGA:	Phone	210-556-6256.	Email:	dickloganpgagolf@gmail.com

Beginner Friendly

Event Details

Starts on Sat, Nov 2 • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (CDT)

4 sessions

Sat, Nov 2 • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (CDT)

Sat, Nov 9 • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (CST)

Sat, Nov 16 • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (CST)

Sat, Nov 23 • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (CST)

Registration closes on Saturday, November 26:00 PM

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Event date

Starts Sat, Nov 2

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (CDT)

4 sessions



Registration Closed
10 spots remaining


The Golf Club of Texas

San Antonio, TX

Event Host
Richard J. Logan, PGA's profile picture

Richard J. Logan, PGA

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Registration Closed
10 spots remaining