
High School Golf Tryout Prep Camp

High School Golf Tryout Prep Camp Description Full Swing Practice:

Objective: To prepare aspiring high school golfers for their tryouts by improving their skills, understanding of the game, and confidence through focused training and practice.
Duration: 3 days, with each session lasting 4 hours
Participants: High school students aspiring to join the school golf team

**Suitable For :**Students of all skill levels aiming to improve their chances of making the golf team (JV or Varsity)

Clinic Breakdown

  1. Day 1: Fundamental Skills and Technique
       **Welcome and Overview:** Briefing on the clinic schedule and goals.
       **Stretching and Mobility Exercises:** Essential warm-up to prevent injuries.
       **Swing Mechanics (1 hour):Grip, Stance, and Posture:** Basics of a solid golf swing foundation.
       **Full Swing Practice:** Focused drills to improve swing mechanics and consistency.
       **Individual Feedback:** Personalized tips and corrections from instructors.
       **Short Game Skills (1 hour):**
       **Chipping and Pitching:** Techniques for control and accuracy around the greens.
       **Putting:** Fundamentals of putting stroke, reading greens, and distance control.
       **Course Management Basics (30 minutes):**   Introduction to course management principles and decision-making.
       **Q&A and Review (30 minutes):Recap of Key Points:** Review of the day’s lessons and Q&A session.
       **Homework:** Suggested practice drills for improvement.

  2. Day 2: Advanced Techniques and On-Course Play Warm-Up and Review (30 minutes): Stretching and Review: Quick review of Day 1 fundamentals.

Advanced Swing Techniques (1 hour):Ball Flight Control: Techniques for shaping shots (draw, fade). Distance Control: Strategies for consistent and accurate distance.
Short Game Mastery (1 hour):Bunker Play: Techniques for getting out of sand traps effectively. Advanced Putting: Focus on lag putting and pressure situations.
On-Course Strategy (1 hour):Simulated Play: Practice on selected holes focusing on strategy and shot selection. Situational Coaching: Real-time feedback on decision-making and shot execution.
Mental Game: Techniques for staying focused, managing stress, and visualizing success.
Q&A and Review (30 minutes):Recap of Key Points: Review of advanced techniques and on-course strategies. Homework: Suggested practice drills and mental exercises.
  1. Day 3: Mock Tryout and Evaluation

Mock Tryout (2-3 hours):Simulated Tryout: Participants play a set number of holes under tryout conditions. Skill Stations: Assessment of various skills (putting, chipping, driving, etc.). Scoring and Evaluation: Performance is recorded and evaluated by instructors.
Performance Review and Feedback (1 hour):
      **Individual Feedback:** Detailed review of each participant’s performance.
      **Strengths and Areas for Improvement:** Highlighting key areas to focus on.
      **Personalized Practice Plan:** Tailored recommendations for continued improvement.
Closing Session:Encouragement and Tips: Final words of advice and motivation. Q&A Session: Address any remaining questions or concerns. Certification: Participants receive a certificate of completion.


  • Comprehensive Preparation: Thorough coverage of all aspects needed for high school golf tryouts.

  • Personalized Instruction: Individual feedback and tailored practice plans.

  • Confidence Building: Practical experience and tips to boost confidence during tryouts.

  • Skill Development: Focus on both fundamental and advanced golf techniques.

Preparation Tips:

  • Arrive Early: Ensure enough time for check-in and warm-up.

  • Proper Equipment: Bring your full set of clubs, golf balls, tees, a glove, and any personal practice aids.

  • Appropriate Attire: Wear comfortable golf clothing and shoes.

  • Hydration and Nutrition: Bring water and snacks to stay energized and focused throughout the clinic.

Beginner Friendly
On course

Event Details

Starts on Fri, Aug 2 • 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM (CDT)

3 sessions

Fri, Aug 2 • 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM (CDT)

Sat, Aug 3 • 4:30 PM - 8:30 PM (CDT)

Sun, Aug 4 • 4:30 PM - 8:30 PM (CDT)

Registration closes on Thursday, August 110:30 PM

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Event date

Starts Fri, Aug 2

5:30 PM - 8:30 PM (CDT)

3 sessions



8 spots remaining


Black Hawk Country Club

Richmond, TX

Event Host
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Nicki Oesch

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8 spots remaining