Game Changers

Meet the Husband-Wife Duo Bringing Joy to Indiana Golfers

By Brendon Elliott, PGA
Published on
Crystal and Jim Morse.

Crystal and Jim Morse.

In the realms of business and marriage, there's a perennial debate about whether couples should work together.
On one side, there's the belief that "the couple that works together, stays together." On the flip side, some caution against merging work and family life, suggesting that it may not be the wisest strategy, as it can blur boundaries and potentially lead to tension.
Crystal and Jim Morse, both highly acclaimed PGA of America Golf Professionals, are on Team Work Together. For the Morses, working in tandem hasn’t just been beneficia — they’ve found it to be a fantastic decision on a personal level, enhancing their life satisfaction and further enriching their marriage.
And by combining their talents, Crystal and Jim have formed a dynamic duo, bringing unparalleled expertise and synergy to The Legends Golf Club in Franklin, Indiana outside Indianapolis. Their decision to work alongside one another shows how, with the right mix of understanding and shared goals, couples can successfully integrate their careers and personal lives to achieve remarkable outcomes.

Crystal's journey in the golf industry began when she was ten years old, accompanying her grandpa to the local par 3 course. This experience sparked her passion for the game, which would later see her compete in the State Finals during high school. After playing college golf at Western Kentucky University, she initially pursued a career in Environmental Science but felt drawn to the golf industry during her senior year.
Crystal Morse, PGA.
Crystal Morse, PGA.
Encouraged by PGA of America Past President Ted Bishop, Crystal became a PGA Associate and worked as a seasonal assistant at The Legends, eventually becoming a PGA Member in 2009. Her work has been recognized nationally, as Morse was awarded the 2024 PGA of America Player Development Award recipient, which she'll be honored for at next month's PGA Annual Meeting.
Jim's journey in golf commenced at the age of 11 under the guidance of his father, who introduced him to the game. After working as a forecaddie at The Coeur d’Alene Resort, he developed a close relationship with the course owner, leading to opportunities at private clubs in Southern California. Jim spent 24 years in the Coachella Valley, with the last 20 years at Eldorado Country Club in Indian Wells, California.
His path intersected with Crystal's in 2005, and they married in 2008, eventually relocating to Indiana. Jim's career at The Legends began as the Director of Instruction, and, in collaboration with the ownership group, he and Crystal established the Morse Golf Academy at the club in 2020.
During our recent conversation, Crystal and Jim Morse’s unwavering dedication to the sport and each other shone through, leaving a lasting impression of respect and admiration for both.

There are few husband-and-wife PGA duos in the industry; what has that dynamic been like?
Crystal: To give a little history – we met when we were both pros in California. I was at The Lakes Country Club in Palm Desert, and Jim was at Eldorado Country Club in Indian Wells. From the get-go, the dynamic has been great – we give each other the freedom to pursue our own passions within the business, and it most definitely helps to be with someone who understands the hours that this career requires. Whether it is playing golf, teaching, or running tournaments – a lot of time is spent at the golf course!
Jim: It has been fantastic! We certainly understand what each other goes through daily, no matter how unique a given day may be for us, and that simply would not be the case if we were not both in the golf industry. I also enjoy being able to randomly see Crystal throughout the day instead of only before we head to work and then not again until after work, which, as all in the business know, may be 12 or more hours in between.
How do your coaching and business philosophies compare and contrast each other?
Crystal: Oh man, this is a great question – it makes me chuckle only because we can be pretty different in our approach, but it works together well. As far as the business aspect of the Morse Golf Academy, that has been Jim’s baby from the start. He poured his energy into every detail and has a very analytical, structured approach to the business, which is needed. That also carries over into his coaching style; he is excellent at getting directly to the point and communicating the cause and effect to his students and what it takes to improve. With my responsibilities as the Head Professional at The Legends, coaching and running player development programs – I have to be organized. Still, I tend to change directions quickly and often leave Jim shaking his head with my ideas. As far as coaching and teaching, we both have our niche – I enjoy teaching young kids and beginners and seeing them through the process, as he enjoys the older kids and more advanced players. It works well!
Jim: Crystal summed this one up exactly how I would. The only thing I would add is that we are very similar in our desire to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves, but we differ in how we set out to achieve those goals.
What do you admire most, professionally, of each other?
Crystal: I admire Jim’s ability to stay on task. He communicates promptly with clients and keeps the Academy operations organized and efficient. He is excellent at deciphering numbers and data, which has led him to become a highly effective club fitter and instructor—one of the best, in my opinion!
Coaching and helping people improve is Crystal Morse's most rewarding part of her job.
Coaching and helping people improve is Crystal Morse's most rewarding part of her job.
Jim: What I admire most about Crystal professionally is that she is always upbeat and shows off her beautiful smile no matter what the circumstance. Golf is a complex and sometimes intimidating game, and Crystal's personality, combined with her knowledge of golf, makes her the perfect person to be in the trenches growing our game.
What do you like most about golf, as a golfer?
Crystal: My love for the game has evolved over the years. When I was younger, I enjoyed practicing, playing and competing. As I get further in my career, I enjoy helping others through coaching and teaching, and honestly, I’m one of the crazy pros who enjoys a little time behind the counter. In the public golf course realm, there are many options for players to choose from, and I enjoy providing them with personal interaction, so they look forward to coming back!
When it comes to running player development programs, there is no greater pleasure than seeing kids, adults, and families create memories at the golf course. I find greater enjoyment in helping people enjoy the game than I do in actually playing it at this point in my career.
Jim: As a golfer, I enjoy the challenges the game of golf offers. Growing up, I played every sport available to me and excelled in all of them, so to say that I am highly competitive would be obvious. Golf is such a unique sport in the sense that no two courses are the same. For instance, all baseball diamonds have bases separated by 90 feet with a pitcher’s mound measuring 60’ 6” from the rubber to home plate, all basketball courts are 94’ long by 50’ wide, all football fields are 120 yards long (including both end zones at 10 yards each) by 53.3 yards wide, so you get the idea.

"There is no greater pleasure than seeing kids, adults, and families create memories at the golf course. I find greater enjoyment in helping people enjoy the game than I do in actually playing it at this point in my career."

Crystal Morse, PGA
Heck, even if you play the same course every day, you will have different pin placements, the tee markers may be slightly different, and the weather will most likely be different, sometimes drastically! Even if these were highly consistent, you would still never hit the same shots on each hole in every round. Those facts and the idea that golf can never be mastered make it so intriguing and enjoyable to me.
What do you like most about working in golf?
Crystal: What I love about golf is that it can be enjoyed by multiple generations and people of varying skill levels. The game brings people together, which should not be taken lightly – it is a privilege to have a small part in that role. I enjoy seeing families create memories and seeing golfers celebrate hitting a good shot or celebrating personal accomplishments. It is very fulfilling.
Jim: It is gratifying to see players improving their games and hitting shots they never thought they could. Whether that improvement comes because of swing improvements we have been working on, or because they finally have clubs that are properly fit for them, it is very gratifying. The satisfaction I get from knowing that people are getting more enjoyment out of their golf game after spending time with me is immeasurable!
What's been your favorite thing about being a PGA of America Golf Professional?
Crystal: Well, there are many — however, being awarded the Player Development Award is at the top of my list. I am thankful for the opportunities that being a PGA of America Member has given me, and for the wonderful people that I have been able to meet and impact because of this wonderful game.
The Morse Family.
The Morse Family.
Jim: Being named the Head Professional at Eldorado Country Club in Indian Wells, California, under Director of Golf Terry Beardsley in 2008 was a proud moment for sure. By a small margin, however, I would say that building the Morse Golf Academy and turning it into the business that it has become over the last four years has to be the biggest thrill for me so far.

Brendon Elliott is a PGA Coach in the Orlando area. Check out his profile here, or find a coach near you.