A Quick Nine: 2011 Golf Resolutions

And here we are, the dawn of a new decade and a time to make big plans for your golf life. But what plans do you have in mind for 2011? More golf? Better scores? A dream trip perhaps? We asked YOU, for our first edition of "A Quick Nine" of 2011, "What is your New Year's Resolution?" Here are some of your best responses.
9. It was interesting to see that playing competitive golf on some level was a common theme:
Jared McQuade - "Enter at least one tournament"
Justin White - "win the valleys championship"
Steven Kupcho - "Top 15 at junior PGA and top 5 in a fall collegiate tournament"
8. A few folks resolved to make 2011 a year that golf was both their vocation and their avocation:
Nicholas Kenis - "I hope to pass my PAT this year."
Scott Seifferlein - "personally help at least 100 people achieve their best golf ever."
7. Some resolved to play in favorite or exotic locales
Jeff Shepherd - "Play one round in Japan while I'm there for work business"
Jim Dauer "Play my favorite course, Colbert Hills in Manhattan, KS. It's a 2-hour drive for me and I didn't play it in 2010."
6. Of course, improved play was a very popular resolution:
Carol Pierce - "In 2011 I am going to lower my average by ...... I will break 80 on my home courses :-) :-) :-) I've been playing for only two years and I'm in love with golf...and I will also practice my short game more...:-) this is a promise to me!!! Happy New Year!!!"
Neil Swartz - "Working with my PGA Professional on shortening my backswing and focusing on my follow-through and release. Working on 20, 40, 60 yard shots. Working on making better choices on my approach shots."
Ryan Almeida - "I'd like to break 90 (92 is my best) and get my handicap below 20. Preferably in the mid teens."
Marko Nikolic - "To get my 5.4 handicap to under 3."
Beverly Ponczek To follow the advice of a friend who told me, simply, "Beverly, keep your head down and hit the damned ball!"
Jason J Dub Woodruff - "I'm gonna take some lessons, once and for all."
5. And of course, playing more golf is always high on the resolution list:
Michael Reagan - "Play more rounds and walk more than ride."
Annette DeMarrais Gester - "Play more golf... enough said!"
Ronique Breaux-Jordan - "Play more ...we will have a great time!"
4. Good to see that new equipment was also a popular promise to ourselves:
Kyle Moore - "To get the Nike Victory Red clubs including the driver, 3 and 5 woods."
Phillip Mauney - "I wanna use less balls. ;)"
3. There were some very specific and entertaining resolutions that we hope you can keep!
Jacob Booth "To par five holes in a row at my golf course! I always manage to miss a putt and bogie one of them"
Brandon Wade Johnson - "to get a hole in one!!"
Tony Stubbs "Get a membership at a course. I play a lot all over, but its getting expensive. So I gotta find a "home course".
Thad Fine "to win my fantasy golf league"
Earl Klug "Enjoy snow days with Golf DVDs, indoor chipping / putting, and downloading apps for course management. Donate old books / DVDS to city library so future generations can learn and appreciate the game."
2. An improved mindset to "enjoy" golf more was also a popular resolution
Ryan Smith - "I resolve to relax, not be so critical of myself or my game, and swing away =)"
Larry Smith - "Relax and play more golf."
Russell O'Callaghan - "Keep enjoying it, keep my son enjoying it and scratch will come in due course."
1. Maybe the most encouraging resolutions was from golf fans who vowed to become golf participants in the upcoming year. Let's continue to Grow the Game!
Erica L. McCann - "I am planning to play my FIRST 18 holes of Golf.. just learning the sport and loving it!"
John Stewart - "I will start teaching my 3yr old how to play."
Maeve Cromwell "To introduce more women to the game of golf and make them believe they can be just as good if not better than the guys!"